Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Matrix Blog # 2

1. The character of Cypher makes a decision that returning to the Matrix and living in its alternative reality instead of being fully conscious of the reality. This goes against the decision made by the released prisoner from the Cave. Why do you think Cypher decided to go back to the Matrix instead of living fully aware? Is his reasoning valid? Is ignorance bliss? Why?

2. Neo is prophecized to be the one by Morpheus. Does Neo seem to accept this high profile role? What other character from literature you've read seems to be placed in this hero/savior role by others?

3. Humans are described by humans as a disease, imperfect, for a perfected technological program, yet the machine is viewed as the enemy/evil even though its reason and logic is supposed unflawed. What would the world be like if everyone was perfect and logical? What are other examples in movies and books where technology becomes the enemy/evil?


Joshua said...

1. Frankly, I do not know why Cypher left to return back to the Matrix. It seemed that he was happy being fully conscious of reality.

2. At first, it seems that Neo did not what to accept this high profile role. One another character who was placed in this hero/savior role was Beowulf.

3. The world would be very weird.

Drew said...

Cyper wants to leaves the real world to live in the matrix, because he is unhappy about the world he lives in. He finds more joy in being a battery than being alive and informed. In his perspective he is better off not knowing and living in a good dream. His reasoning is valid to his description. He wants to ignore his real world and live in a world that he doesn't like.
2. Neo doesn't accept his role right away and doesn't believe his is the one. Beowulf is proposed to be a hero by his fellow warriors.
3. If the world was perfect and everyone in it then there would be no reason to exist because if the world was perfect there would be nothing to work on, to change, to make better, and the end result was that people would be unneeded. In the movie, Mission to Mars. A robot is brought with the astronauts to protect them, but during the flight the robot becomes damaged and he sees everything as a threat. He eventually tries to kill the men in the mission.

Unknown said...

1. Because he believed that he would be happier in the Matrix and not in the other world.

2. He didn't want to accept his high profile role.

3. It would be a boring world. Everyone would have a routine and do the same things everyday and would not try to take risks, but that is what adventures are made of.
An example where technology becomes the enemy is the movie I, Robot.

brock reynoldson said...

1.Cypher left because he said that he wished he would of taken the blue pill and not the red one because he says ignorance is bliss and he wants to go back to the matrix so he can live like he used to and not remember anything anymore and he wants to be rich and important.

2.Neo doesnt think that he is the one and he doesnt except the fact that he is the savior to the entire human race. another character who is brought to save the people is jesus or beowulf.

3. If the world was perfect there would be nothing to work on and there would be no purpose for life anymore.

McKenna Moyes said...

1: Cypher wants to leave and return to the Matrix because he is not happy living with full reality.

2: I don't think that he is fully aware of what all he is capable of yet so he is unsure of what he could or will be so that's why i think htat he was hesitant about accepting the high profile role.

3: I think that the world would be very boring and weird. It would just seem really boring. Examples are like that in the movie Eagle Eye.