Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Sentence Composing # 7- Delayed Adverbs Practice 2

Single Delayed Adverb: They smiled, delicately, like weary children remembering a party.
--John Steinbeck, Cannery Row

Multiple Delayed Adverb: He worked himself to death, finally and precisely, at 3:00 a.m. Sunday morning
--Ellen Goodman, Close to Home

Practice 2: Unscrambling to Imitate

In the model and the scrambled list, identify the delayed adverb. Next, unscramble and write out the sentence parts to imitate the model. Finally, write your own imitation of the model and identify and delayed adverb.

Model: As I watched him, he seemed to adjust himself a little, visibly
--F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby
a. a bit

b. she tried to excuse herself

c. when she told him

d. lamely

Own Sentence:

Practice 3: Combining to Imitate

In the model identify the delayed adverbs. Next, combine the list of sentences to imitate the model. Finally, write your own imitation of the model and identify any delayed adverbs.

Model: The cars traveled Reynolds Streets, slowly and evenly.
--Annie Dillard, An American Childhood

a. a girl crossed a street

b. The street was Washington Avenue.

c. She crossed the street confidently.

d. And she cross the street purposefully.

Practice 4: Imitating

Identify the delayed adverbs in the models and sample imitations. Then write an imitation of each model sentence, one sentence part at a time.

1. Still winder, Smith sat up, slowly,
--Robert Ludlum, The Moscow Vector

Sample: Almost finished, Peter speed up triumphantly.

Own Sentence:

2. We explored the streams, quietly, where the turtles slid off the sunny logs and dug their way into the soft lake bottom.
--E.B. White "Once More to the Lake"

Sample: We walked the streets, dreamily, where the sun set in the crystal sky and melted its way over the inky black skyscrapers.

Own Sentence:

3. He was clambering, heavily, among the creepers and broken trunks, when a bird, a vision of red and yellow, flashed upwards with a witch-like cry.
--William Golding, Lord of the Flies

Sample: She was running, desperately, between the road the railroad track, after a car, her hope for escape and rescue, passed by with an oblivious driver.

Own Sentence:


Unknown said...

Practice 1
Practice 2

delayed adverb: visibly/ lamely
When she told him, she tried to excuse herself a bit, lamely.
Own sentence: As the dogs ran, the kids tried to follow them, slowly.

Practice 3

delayed adverbs: slowly/ evenly
A girl crossed the Washington Avenue, confidently and purposefully.
Own Sentence: The cops shot the kids, quickly and lethally.

Practice 4

delayed adverbs: slowly/ triumphantly/ quietly/ dreamily/ heavily/ desperately
Own Sentence:
1.Not understanding this exercise, I tried, unsuccessfully.
2.They walked through the forest, fearfully, where the lions and bears roam with no destiny.
3.He was loving, passionately, the love of his life, when his girlfriend, acting like a HEHE, cheated on him, escaped with his brother and left him with STDs.

Joshua said...

Practice 2
Scramble Model: When she told him, she tried to excuse herself a bit, lamely (C,B,A,D).

Adverb: Lamely

Own Sentence: When I found him, he tried to run, unwillingly.

Adverb: Unwillingly

Practice 3
Scramble Model: The girl crossed Washington Avenue, purposefully and confidently.

Adverb: Purposefully and Confidently

Own Sentence: The shooter hit the target, accurately and precisely.

Adverb: Accurately and Precisely

Practice 4
1. Adverb: Slowly and Triumphantly

Own Sentence: Still persevering, Derrick pushed on, determinedly.

Adverb: Determinedly

2. Adverb: Quietly and Dreamily

Own Sentence: I reached the top of the mountain, shockingly, where the view of the landscape took my breath away and put me in awe.

Adverb: Shockingly

3. Adverb: Heavily and Desperately

Own Sentence: The criminal sat in his chair, anxiously, waiting to hear the results of the jury.

Drew said...

Model 1, visibly.
sentence 1, lamely.

Sentence scrable

practice 3

slowly, evenly

A girl crossed Washington Ave., confidently, and purposefully. Delayed adverbs- confidently, and purposefully.

The ugly man ate the blue cheese, disgustingly and frighteningly.

Practice 4.

1. slowly. triumphantly

Barely breathing, the man ate the fish rapidly.

2. quietly.dreamily

We ran up the hill, happily, after the rabbit, until his fast legs left us in the dust.

3. Heavily, desperately.

He was sailing, gleefully, on the open sea, against a storm, for a chance of adventure, as long as the storm stayed.

brock reynoldson said...

Visibly/ lamely
When she told him, she tried to excuse herself a bit, lamely.

ex.) As the deer crept into the woods, the Hunter followed his tracks, quietly.


Slowly/ Evenly
A girl crossed the Washington Avenue, confidently and purposefully.

ex.) The linebacker tackled the running back, viciously and violently.


slowly/triumphantly/ quietly/dreamily/ heavily/ desperately

1. Not comprehending the lesson, I tried, unfortunately.
2. They swam across the river, slowly, unknowingly being watched by alligators.
3. He traveled the world, searching, looking, for adventure, when a mysterious man came across his path.

McKenna Moyes said...

Practice 2

Model: When she told him, she tried to excuse herself a bit, lamely. C,B,A,D

Adverb- Lamely

Example: After she ran the two mile, she fell into the coach's arms, willingly.

Adverb- willingly

Practice 3

Scramble Model: The girl crossed Washington Avenue, purposefully and confidently.

Adverb- Purposefully and Confidently

Example- The hunter shot the deer, quickly and precisely.

Adverb- quickly and precisely

Practice 4

1)Adverb- Slowly and Triumphantly

Example- Still running, Sally pushed for first place, unsuccessfully.

Adverb- unsuccessfully

2)Adverb: Quietly and Dreamily

Example- We walked down the path, wondrously, where birds fluttered away and sang their happy songs.

Adverb: wondrously

3) Adverb: Heavily and Desperately

Example- The contestants sat, eagerly, waiting for the judges to call out the winner.