Thursday, November 13, 2008

"The Cave"

Go to the following website:

Read the "The Cave"

If you want to watch a cartoon version, go here

Answer the following questions after reading it.

1. Summarize what the allegory is about in your own paragraph

2. What do you think Socrates is trying to say about the nature of reality/truth?

3. How does this allegory relate to the learning process and education in general?

4. Think about our modern day technological society; how does this allegory written thousands of years ago connect to our culture?


Drew said...

I believe that the allegory is about the waste of thinking like everyone else and considering the possibilities of a different view. I think we see what we want to see unless the truth is provided with evidence. We might know the truth but hide from reality for our own protection. We can only learn from what is present and what we can do. So with more possibilities in school and the knowledge associated with it the span of learning is impenetrable.

Joshua said...

Frankly, I do not understand what this allegory is trying to convey. However, what I got from this was that people should think for themselves. People who know the truth should speak the truth. People can't be waiting for other people to stand up and say it.

Unknown said...


1. The allegory talks about truth and lies. Those people that always saw lies, only lived with lies can't and won't accept the truth as it is. They will believe that the truth is what they have always believed in what the have seen.
Socrates is probably saying that the nature of truth depends on you. Depends on how you were raised and on the people around you, what they thought it was true and what they could see.

brock reynoldson said...

i thought that this allegory really shows how people are in that people that only believe what they see and nothing else for the most part anyways. People who are brought up to only know things a certain way until they are shown the truth.

McKenna Moyes said...

From what I understood from this allegory is that people who choose to lie and live with those lies do; and those who seek the truth and live with the truth do. People who don't want to accept the truth are just living in the lies that they choose to accept.