Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Matrix Blog- # 1

Answer the following questions for Wednesday

1. Explain how Neo's experience in and out of the Matrix parallels the Allegory of the Cave. Be specific using examples from each text.

2. Morpheus poses the question, "what is real? how do you define real?" We're going to read literature that poses that very question. What tools and indicator do we use to define and describe the world around us? Is reality a definite concept measurable and quantifiable, or is it a fluid concept defined by perceptions? Why?

3. The Matrix is part of the science-fiction genre, and while we may not be controlled by technology in the literal sense as The Matrix describes, does our current society in 2008 parallel the the world of The Matrix in certain ways? Has technology actually the lessened the quality of life in some ways? Why or why not?


Joshua said...

1. Neo feels like he is not in control of his life. He is being drawned to the matrix world, a world outside the cave of his normal, business life. Morpheus wants to tell him the truth and for him to experience that, he needs to come out of his comfort zone and become part of the world of the matrix.

2. We determine if something is real by verifying the information. Reality is a definite concept measure and quantifiable. You see reality everyday.

3. Technology has, in some ways, made life easier. But not all technology is beneficial for life. To me, the quality of life is still the same.

brock reynoldson said...

Neo doesnt believe that the matrix is real he thinks that it is impossible and cant be true. When he takes the red pill he sees a whole new world outside of the one he knew.

If something is real you can feel taste touch smell hear it , all the sences and you can interact with it.

Technology has made life much easier that is very true but has not made all life much better some technologies have helped destroy the human race but some have help save life.

Drew said...

1. Neo is very confused about the question what is real about his world. He is faced with this confusion because all he knows now is what is not real and what he learns is that all he knew doesn't matter anymore. Just like the cave, he is put into a position that questions his previous motives.

2. What is real? Real is the conclusion of all your senses and knowledge combined to form your outlook on life, its a fact to you.

3. I believe that we are controlled in a way because of all the technology that we depend on, we let ourselves be slaves to other things and loose our independence of nature. In some ways technology has lessened the quality of life. For example, if someone creates a smart bomb, and that bomb destroys a village, the people of that village have definitely lost their quality of life.

Unknown said...

1. Neo can't believe what he sees, just like the man in the cave that gets out, at first, he doesn't believe, but then, he accepts the truth.

2. Our indicators that something is real is the feeling of it. If you can touch it, is real. Reality is a fluid concept defined by perceptions because is just like said before, if you can't feel, see, touch, etc, it is not real.

3. Technology, in some ways, has made our life easier. But sometimes, technology actually fails on us. An example would be a desktop computer, but no electricity. What is the use of the computer if you want to write an essay? However, if you had a typewriter, you wouldn't need electricity.

McKenna Moyes said...

1- Neo isn't really sure if the Matrix is reall or not. He is confused about what really is "real" and what isn't. Morphius tells him that everything in his world isn't reall. But the more he experiences the Matrix, the more he starts realizing that it is real.

2- Something is real if you can touch, taste, hear, smell, and see it and interact with it.

3- I think technology has been an asset to the world. It can help save lives, helped save the environment, and been beneficial to people's knowledge. But then technology has its negatives because not all technology is useful when it comes to saving lives.