Monday, November 24, 2008

Hamlet Prediscussion ?'s- Due November 25

1. Is revenge sometimes the right approach in dealing with someone that has wronged you? Why or why not?

2. Is it better to think before you act or act before you think? Why?

3. Is there one singular reality, or do each of create our own realities through our perceptions and attitudes?

4. What are the qualities of a good friendship? Is it ever okay to spy on a friend if you are concerned about them?

5. Should parents let their children make their own mistakes and let them learn from it, or should they keep a close eye on them?

6. Should children always be supportive of parents if they decide to remarry after their spouse’s death or divorce?

7. Is there ever a time when grieving process goes too far?


Drew said...

No, but revenge is a common way to dealing with a person, but it never helps. Revenge just focuses your anger on the wrong reasons.

2. There can be an argument for both so if a person acts before they think they might accomplish things by mistake or make a fool of themselves.

3. We all have our own reality and lives that we create and personality i think helps create the reality.

4. Qualities of a good friendship can be honesty, compassion, love..ect. Yes, because you can't always trust everyone, because everyone is human.

5. I vote warn the kids, then let them make their own mistakes in a controlled environment.

6. I would say it depends on the situation.

7. Well yes it could be, but sadness isn't relative to everyone.

Joshua said...

1. Revenge is never the right approach in dealing with someone that has wronged you. However, it is the common thing to do today. If you try to get revenge on someone, the plan could backfire, it could end up hurting you more, it could make the other person get back at you too.

2. It is better to think before you act. This is a common problem today, especially for guys. Girls are better at thinking for some reason, excepts for blondes (just kidding). Anyways, thinking helps you figure out the right thing to say so that you won't make yourself look like a fool.

3. This is a tough question to answer. I think that there is one singular reality.

4. Loyalty, Honesty, Kind, Nice, Character, Trustworthy, Loving. Yes, he/she may not like it, but it is for their good.

5. Parents should do both. Parents need to let their kids experience right from wrong, but they also need to keep a close eye on them sometimes, but not all the time.

6. Yes they should.

7. Probably when a person grieves for about a long certain amount of time.

brock reynoldson said...

No, revenge never is the right answer even though you may think that it will make you feel better, but revenge will never make your problems go away.

you should always think before before you act because when you dont you usually make a bad decision one that you wouldnt make if you were to think it through.

reality is what you think it is i mean that one person's reality might be nothing like another persons so reality is made by life experiences.

qualities of a good friend is honest, trustworthy, understanding, and fun. yes, but you can't always put your full trust into someone because people make mistakes.

i say maybe just teach the kids and let them learn from there experiences good or bad.

it would depend on the situation at hand.

yes, it can be because at at some point you have to pick yourself up and move on with your life.

Unknown said...

1.Yes, revenge is good.
2.Both, because if you think too much , sometimes it is too late to act.
3. Everyone creates its own reality
4. Honesty, loyalty. It is ok to spy on your friend if he is endangering his life.
5. They should mix it a little bit.
6. Yes,it should be supportive and happy for your mother/father.
7. Sometimes, yes. Some people have a longer grieving time.

McKenna Moyes said...

1- I don't think that revenge is the right thing to do in any situation because then you just lower yourself to that person's level.

3- It's best to think before you act because if you just decide to do something or say something without thinking about it, you may end up hurting someone or end up hurting yourself. But then sometimes its better act before you think because you can maybe over think your action and end up getting hurt because you didn't act fast enough.
3- I think some people create their own reality because they have different beliefs. But overall we are all living in one reality.

4- Trust, Loyalty, Reliance. Yes, but only if its for their own protection or are getting in trouble.

5- To a certain extent, yes. In major situations where they could be seriously injured or something, then you should keep a close eye on them. But you should always keep an eye on them but let them make some mistakes so they can learn from them.

6- Children should always be supportive of their parents in most of the decisions they make. But i believe that why some children disagree with their parent's decision to remarry may be because they don't like that person or have an issue in thinking that they will take the place of their mother or father. Really the only reason they disagree is their own personal problem.

7- Yes because they let the past effect them too much and they just keep living in the past and never move one. It's okay to miss them and be sad about it, but you need to go on and keep living your life in the present.