Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sentence Composing # 2- Unscrambling Sentences to Imitate

The unscrambling of sentence parts helps you to see how those parts connected within the model sentence.  As a result, you will glimpse the mind an author composing a sentence so you can go through a similar process when you compose sentences.

Directions: Unscramble the sentence parts to imitate the model. Then write your own imitation of the model (You are creating your own sentence using the same structure as the model)- Topic Idea: Anglo-Saxons or Old English

1. Model: Dumpster diving is outdoor work, often surprisingly pleasant.
--Lars Eighner, "On Dumpster Diving"

a.sometimes quite costly
b. is recreational activity
c. mall strolling

2. Model: Near the car, idling in front of the mortuary, was a huge Oldsmobile.
--Stephen King, Hearts in Atlantis

a. was a skittering gecko
b. behind the pool
c. zigzagging in back of the cabana

3. Model: Above the field and pastures, the mountains were just becoming visible as the morning fog burned away.
--Charles Frazier, Cold Mountain

a. were just becoming interested
b. when the fire alarm sounded
c. after the cartoons and previews
d. the kids

4. Model: In the shallows, the dark, water-soaked sticks and twigs, smooth and old, were undulating the clusters on the bottom against the clean ribbed sand.
--E.B. White, "Once More to the Lake"

a. sweet and tasty
b. were beckoning to children
c. in their kiddie seats within their mom's grocery carts
d. on that aisle
e. the tempting, brightly colored candies and lifesavers


Joshua said...

1. Mall strolling is recreational activity, sometimes quite costly (C,B,A).

Wheelchair basketball is very good exercise, also quite challenging.

2. Behind the pool, zigzagging in back of the cabana, was a skittering gecko (B,C,A).

Near the house, slithering on the cut green grass, was a gliding garter snake.

3. After the cartoons and previews, the kids were just becoming interested when the fire alarm sounded (C,D,A,B).

After the fun and games, the kids were just about to leave when they saw the roller coaster.

4. On that aisle, the tempting, brightly colored candies and lifesavers, sweet and tasty, were beckoning to children in their kiddie seats within their mom's grocery carts (D,E,A,B,C).

At the carnival, the irresistible, dark colored roller coaster, amazing and daring, was beckoning to me and my friends at the bob for the apple stand.

brock reynoldson said...

Mall Strolling is a recreational activity, sometimes quite costly

swimming is a very fun activity, also very tiring.

2.Behind the pool, zigzagging in back of the cabana, was a skittering gecko. (b,c,a)

Next to the building, crawling on the ground was a creepy spider.

3.After the cartoons and previews, the kids were just becoming interested when the fire alarm sounded. (c,d,a,b)

After the recess, the children were calm then there was a fire drill.

4.On that aisle, the tempting, brightly colored candies and lifesaver, sweet and tasty, were beckoning to the children in their kiddie seats withing their mom's grocery carts. (d,e,a,b,c)

After the exciting day at the mall, the video games, flashing lights, were calling for the kids to come and try them out.

McKenna Moyes said...

1. C, B, A - Mall strolling is recreational activity, sometimes quite costly.

* Painting can be really fun, but also quite dificult.

2. B, C, A - Behind the pool, zigzagging in back of the cabana, was a skittering gecko.

* In the barn, slithering by in the hay, was a surly serpent.

3. C, D, A, B - After the cartoons and previews, the kids were just becoming interested when the fire alarm sounded.

* As the class ruckus died down, the teacher had just begun his interesting lecture when the pep rally was called.

4. D, E, A, B, C - On that aisle, the tempting, brightly colored candies and lifesavers, sweet and tasty, were beckoning to children in their kiddie seats within their mom's grocery carts.

* At the pool, the smooth, refreshing looking water, sparkling in the sun, was urging me to jump in as I sat in the hot sun.