Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sentence Composing # 3- Combining to Imitate

These exercises ask you to combine a series of plain sentences into just one varied sentence by changing the plain sentences to sentence parts resembling the model sentence.  As you do these exercises, you'll become aware that plain sentences can easily be changed into sentences parts of better, more varied sentences.

Directions: 1. Combine the following sentences to create a sentences that has the same order of sentences parts of the model. 2.  Then write your own imitation of the model.

1. Model: Twisting and punching and kicking, the two boys rolled across the floor.
--Lois Duncan, A Gift of Magic

a. The winning team was laughing and yelling and celebrating.
b. The team cavorted.
c. The cavorting was inside the locker room.

Own Sentence:

2. Model: He fell back exhausted, his ankle pounding.
--Raplh Ellison, "Flying Home"

a. She raced fast.
b. She was determined.
c. Her lungs her bursting

Own Sentence

3. Model: Alone, Tom looked around the room and knew that he was a stranger here.
--Hal Borland, When the Legends Die

a. Clark was afraid.
b. Clark walked down the alley.
c. Clark hoped something.
d. Clark hoped that he was alone there.

Own Sentence

4. Model: The room was empty , a silent world of  sinks, drain boards, and lock cupboards.
--Frank Bonham, Chief

a. The arena was full.
b. The area was a huge cavern.
c. It was filled with fans.
d. It was filled with bright lights.
e. And it was filled with exciting music.

Own Sentence


Joshua said...

1. Laughing and yelling and celebrating, the winning team cavorted inside the locker room (A, B C).

Kicking and screaming and whining, the crying child was punished inside her room.

2. She raced fast determined, her lungs bursting (AB, C).

He acted out surprised, his mouth full.

3. Afraid, Clark walked down the alley and hoped that he was alone there (A, BCD).

Nervous, the dance team walked around the hallway hoping they won 1st place.

4. The arena was full, a huge cavern filled with fans, bright lights, and exciting music (A, BC, D, E).

The class was empty, a deserted area of desks, chalkboards, and chairs.

brock reynoldson said...

Laughing and yelling and celebrating, the winning team cavorted inside the locker room. (a,bc)

Cheering, jumping around, and screaming the cheerleaders cheering on their team.

2. She raced fast determined, her lungs bursting. (ab,c)

He jumped high reaching, his legs burning.

3. Afraid, Clark walked down the alley and hoped that he was alone there. (a,bcd)

Tired, Mike walked off the court hoping nobody would get in his way.

4. The arena was full, a huge cavern filled with fans, bright lights, and exciting music. (a,bc,d,e)

The airport was packed, filled with screaming kids, luggage, and people.

McKenna Moyes said...

Laughing and yelling and celebrating, the winning team cavorted inside the locker room. (a,b,c)

Whining and crying and begging, the toddler pleaded for his mom.

2. She raced fast determined, her lungs bursting. (a,b,c)

He read loudly deliberately, his hands shaking.

3. Afraid, Clark walked down the alley and hoped that he was alone there. (a,b,c,d)

Excited, Julie sprinted across the park and prayed that she could play on the slides.

4. The arena was full, a huge cavern filled with fans, bright lights, and exciting music. (a,b,c,d,e)

The stadium was packed, a gigantic bowl packed with fans, screaming people, and awesome atmosphere.