Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Anglo-Saxon/Old English Blog

After examining background information about the Anglo-Saxon period and Old English, write a paragraph comparing and contrasting Anglo-Saxon culture and/or Old English language with the culture you live in today.  Are they completely alien of each other or are there interesting similarities?

For further insight into Anglo-Saxon life, go to

This a BBC program about Worst Jobs during the Dark Ages(Anglo-Saxon period).  There are actually six parts, which you can navigate to if you look at the related videos.  Watch at least one of  these videos, and include information you learned in your answer.


Joshua said...

In my opinion, I believe there are some interesting similarities between the Anglo-Saxon culture and the Old English language with our current culture. The jobs that the first immigrants to America did were not as gruesome and life-threatening as the people in the Anglo-Saxon period had to endure, but we were in the same boat with them. Americans in the past had to build houses from wood, just like the Anglo-Saxon people did, and the men had to do different jobs so that he can provide for his family. The video really opened my eyes to what the Anglo-Saxon people endured during the Dark Ages. I feel lucky and fortunate to not have lived during that period of hardship.

Joshua Akainda

brock reynoldson said...

There are some similarities between old english and our culture today such as some of the words we have sound alike but there are far more differences between the two such as the jobs we have which are less disgusting and less hard im glad that i do not live in the time period

Brock Reynoldson

McKenna Moyes said...

I think there are similarities with the culture of today and the Old English culture such as, jobs. Back then they had hard labor jobs dealing with building houses and other things, much like today. But there are also many different things that are not similar like how grueling some of the labor back then. You would not find some of that today. Things today are not so disgusting and grueling as they were in the Old English culture.

Brett said...

My blog is being insubordinate so here is the link to my blog. Sorry for the inconvenience...