Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Puritan/Cavalier Comparison/Contrast- February 10

We read literature from two opposing forces, the Puritans and the Cavaliers represented by Milton/Bunyan and Lovelace/Marvel respectively.

1. Describe the worldviews of these groups.

2. How do these worldviews contrast with each other?

3. Give specific examples from selections we read that represent these worldviews?

4. Which worldview do you align yourself with more?


Drew said...

The puritans were into the whole "purity of worship" cause, which the cavaliers were all about worshiping in their own way.

2. This created a big conflict between the two groups because of the way they worship.

3. In Paradise Lost, Milton give the view of Satan as man came into being. Which reveals to us that he isn't afraid to think outside the box and at different points of perspective. In To Althea, From Prison, Lovelace tells how no matter what the normal is of prison, you can never cage the mind.

4. I would probably fit in with the cavaliers because of the many ways I worship God.

B.J. Barelmann said...

The view of the cavaliers was live for the day and the puritans believe that everything they did was for God.

The cavaliers didn't do things for God.

Cavaliers had long hear, Puritans had short hear.

I align myself more with the cavaliers because i dont do things based on God.

Joshua said...

1. The Puritans wished to "purify" the Anglican Church of vestiges of Roman Catholic ritual. They believed in the Calvinist doctrine of predestination, the idea that God had at the beginning of time determines which people would be saved and which would not. The Cavaliers were religious, but were not as strict as the Puritans. The Cavaliers also tried to make god use of the little time available in life by devoting that time to love. Also, their style of worshiping God was very contrasting.

2. The Cavaliers live to seize the day, to make every count for basically themselves. The Puritans live everything for God.

3. In Paradise Lost, John Milton told about the Creation story in Satan's point of view. In "To Althea, From Prison", Lovelace says that your circumstances may change, but your mind will never change.

4. I would have to say that I side with both of the Puritan and Cavalier viewpoints. Yes, I am a Christian and I believe in Jesus Christ and I try to imitate his life everyday. However, I do not try to enforce my life on anyone.

McKenna Moyes said...

We read literature from two opposing forces, the Puritans and the Cavaliers represented by Milton/Bunyan and Lovelace/Marvel respectively.

1. Describe the worldviews of these groups.

* The puritans believed that everything they did, they did for God and the Cavaliers lived for the day.

2. How do these worldviews contrast with each other?

* The differences in each of their views and beliefs caused much conflict between the two groups.

3. Give specific examples from selections we read that represent these worldviews?

* In the section of Paradise Lost, the writer brings fourth the views of Satan through his eyes. This allows readers to think about how Satan was one to think outside the box to the extremes and didn’t want to follow rules, he wanted to make the rules and be in charge.

4. Which worldview do you align yourself with more?

* I am both in different ways. Probably more so the Cavaliers because of the different ways I worship God.

brock reynoldson said...

1. the Puritans were all about worship and things that were pure, and the cavaliers liked to worship in their own ways.

2. this caused huge differences between the two groups that would cause many fights later.

3. In Paradise lost, Milton gives the view of Satan as a man came into being. which shows he isnt afraid to say things how he wants to.

4. I would say i am with the Cavaliers because i am a thinker and like to do things differently sometimes.