Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Gulliver's Travels- Movie Post- Due February 25th

Choose one the world's that Gulliver visits; What social issue(s)/human fault is Swift commenting on through Gulliver's visit to this world? What details from this world bring it out? Is the movie subtle or blatant in how they reveal this? How does the medium of film help to bring out the satire more than just the book could by itself? Did the movie make you think or did you think it was a poor adaptation? Why?


Brett said...

Brobdignag (sp?)

Swift is pointing out how savage humans are. The queen is shocked that humans will fight each other for nothing but money or land. The movie actually very to the point at bringing this out, the queen (and all Brobdignaggians) hatred for the human race is amplified when Gulliver created and uses gun powder in a demonstration.

The medium of film makes a lot of satire that a book couldn't because it showed images. With the movie you can see just how small or big or dirty a creature really was. The movie actually put into perspective just how sad the human race actually is, and sad how bad we will probably get.

I believe they need to make all world leaders watch the movie and/or read the book when they come into office. It might just make them better leaders.

Drew said...

The Land of the Houyghghms. He comments on how people are like beast and the most elegant creatures are the horses who don't have any conflict with anything. The fact that the horses cage the yahoos and treat them like beast of burdens is very ironic, and blatant. The music helped determine the mood of gulliver when he was sad or happy better than the book could. It was a good adaptation because he had to succumb to the different cultures of every land he visited.

B.J. Barelmann said...

The 4th one with the horses. This brings out the worst in humans. It shows greed and lust and conflicts in the human race. It was blatant. It can more clearly show emotions and show examples of how things go bad with humans. I thought the movie was good and it made the satire very clear.

McKenna Moyes said...

The part of the movie that stood out social issues/ human faults to me was in the land of Houyghghms. In today's society, people mostly resemble the Yahoos. They are selfish greedy beings. They have conflicts and seek greatness just like in today's society. But the horses were the complete opposite resembling what people should be. He is basically saying that people should be grateful for everything they have, not have conflict, and not be savages like the yahoos. In my personal opinion, I think this was a poor adaptation. It was sort of hard to follow with all of the different stories. But in some of the stories, they had a good message.

Joshua said...


In this land, Johnathan Swift points out how inhuman humans can be. When Gulliver was describing how society and the monarchy is like in England, the Queen is shocked and appalled by the fact that people will fight each other for only money and land. The Queen displays her hatred of the human race and is increasing built up each time. The gunpowder demonstration really made her upset. The movie really brought out the situation from the book.

brock reynoldson said...

1. the houyghghms world was the most interesting to me because these horses were so superior to the savage yahoo's (humans) and Gulliver learned so much from them and wanted to stay with them and never leave but he was tempted by all the diamonds of the island and was attacked by the yahoo's and became one of them so he decieded to leave and sail home on his raft. The movie is very blatant in this world how these horses are so much better than the yahoo's.