Monday, December 15, 2008

Hamlet Act III Blog- Due December 16

Answer the following questions:

1. Hamlet gives advice about acting to the Players before "The Mousetrap" in Act III sc i. Do you agree with the acting advice he gives? Who is your favorite actress/actor? Why?

2. Do you think Hamlet crosses the line in how he acts toward Ophelia, R & G, and Queen i.e. rudely? Even though he's the hero of the story, do you like him as a character overall? Do his flaws make him a more compelling character? Why or why?

3. Claudius evidently feels guilt during Act III sc iii; however, he finds difficult to ask for forgiveness. Why is this so? Is there any any way Claudius can be redeemed?

4. Hamlet's fatal flaw in the inability to act, and his tendency to overanalyze situations. Think of other films/books you've viewed. What's one of the characters flaws? Do you think Hamlet can overcome his flaw by the end of the play?

5. Was the Ghost actually in the room with the Queen or was he just imagining it? Why or why not?


Joshua said...

1. I agree with the acting advice he gives. It seems that Hamlet knows a lot about acting and wants the performers to perform the play well. I like all of the actor/actresses.

2. I do think that Hamlet definitely crossed the line in how he acted toward Ophelia, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, and his mother, Queen Gertrude. I am unsure about Hamlet as a character overall. I mean, he has a justified reason to be upset, but he overthinks situations, and he has turned into an uncivilized man. His flaws in a way do make him a compelling character. He over thinks the situation a lot in this book, he decides to act like he is paranoid and crazy. He is just interesting.

3. I don't really know why Claudius finds it hard to forgive. Maybe, he still thinks that he can sweep it under the rug and no one will find out about it. Maybe, he thinks that Hamlet doesn't know about what really happened. If Claudius really truly asks forgiveness of his past sins and horrible actions, he can ten be redeemed.

4. I do think that Hamlet can overcome his flaw by the end of the play, but it is very unlikely he will change his ways.

5. The ghost was actually in the room with the Queen, but in my opinion, the Queen didn't see it because the King might be outraged at the Queen for marrying his brother, who killed him.

B.J. Barelmann said...

I do agree with this. He makes some good arguments. I think the person who plays the king did good because he helped prove that Claudius killed the king.

I think Hamlet went a little to far talking to everyone so rudely. I do like him as a character though. I think his flaws make him more interesting because you never know what he is going to say or do.

He feels Guilty because Hamlet made that play about how he killed the King. I don't believe that a person can be redeemed for committing murder.

Baromier in the Lord of the Rings was to greedy and it ended up costing him his life, but he did realize that he was wrong in the end. I hope Hamlet will overcome his flaw to, otherwise he will end up dead to.

I think it wasn't there. Other people could see it earlier in the play so i don't see why they can't see it now.

Drew said...

1. Yes its very good advice to have. My favorite actor is Will Smith because he is a good actor.

2. No I believe he is helping them by telling them his opinion. I do not like him overall. Yes because it makes him human, all humans have flaws.

3. He feels guilty because he is watching the play where he kills the king. He feels this way because he doesn't want to be forgiven because it felt good to kill. If he asks for redemption.

4. The flaw of James Bond in The quantum of Solace, he keeps killing important people. I don't think hamlet can over come his flaw.

5. I think he was imagining it because he wants to believe the ghost is there.

Unknown said...

1. Yes, I guess I like his advice. I dont like any of the actor/actresses
2. No, he doesn't cross the line in how he acts towards those people. I like him as character, yes. They make him more compelling because we don't know what he is going to do.
3. There is no way he can be redeemed.
4. Yes, he can overcome his flaws in the end of the play.
5. He was just imagining it at that time because I believe so :).

brock reynoldson said...

1. Yes i agree with his advice because i hate when people are to over the top and dont just act real, my favorite actor is probly Tom Hanks or Will Smith because they always play their roles so well and they seem so real.

2. I think that he has a right to be rude in his position he has had so many things go wrong in his life and everyone around him is betraying him. Yes his character is very interesting because of his flaws and i am always wondering while ready what he will do next.

3. He has a hard time asking for forgiveness because he would have to give everything that he has back is he truely wants to be forgiven and he is not willing to do that.

4. Neo his flaw was that he loved trinity so much that she was all he cared about saving and when he had the chance he chose her. yea i think that hamlet will overcome this at the end of the play.

5. I dont think that the ghost was actually in the room with him at that time i believe that he was just imagining it being there because he wanted it to be there to talk to him and tell him what to do next.

McKenna Moyes said...

1) Yes I agree with it because he knows what he's talking about when it comes to acting and the advice he gives seems to help with his production. I don't really have a favorite actress/actor, there are too many to pick just one.

2) I think that he overreacted on all of them inappropriately. I do agree that he has the right to be mad or whatever with all of them, but he definitely blew things out of proportion. I can't decide really weather I like him as a character or not. He seems to change my mind a lot. I do think that his overly dramatic actions help him when it comes to acting. He's dramatic, so he's therefore good with Drama.

3) I can't figure out why it's so hard for him to ask for forgiveness. I think it has to do with something that no one knows that he was the reason for the King's Death and he doesn't want to ask forgiveness about that so people won't know that it was him. I think it may be a little on the late side to be forgiven for murdering the King. Murder is a hard thing to forgive someone about.

4) The Terminator was bad in the beginning but then became a good guy in the end. I think he will have a really hard time overcoming his flaws. He's been doing them for so long that it may be nearly impossible for him to change.

5) I think that the ghost was actually in the room. And I don't think the ghost wanted the Queen to see him because she was with Claudius and may not believe the whole situation.