Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Setnence Composing # 5- Delayed Adjectives- Practice 4 and 5

Practice 4: Imitating

Directions: Identify the delayed adjectives in the models and sample imitations. Then write an imitation of each model sentence, one sentence part at a time.

1. Dumpster diving is outdoor work, often surprisingly pleasant.
--Lars Eighner, "On Dumpster Diving"

Sample: Doing homework is necessary discipline, sometimes incredibly helpful.
2. The baby's eyes were the shape of watermelon seeds, very black and cut very precisely into her small, solemn face.
--Anne Tyler, Digging to America

Sample: The unspoken pain was the weight of river rocks ,very heavy and embedded most certainly into her aching body.

3. I shivered as he tossed the feathered corpse of the dead chicken, limp as a cloth, into the back of the truck.
--Barbara Kingsolver, Animal Dreams

Sample: I stared as he threw the battered ball from the garbage can, smelly as a foot, into the field of the pitcher.

Practice 5: Expanding

The delayed adjectives are omitted at the caret mark (^) in the following sentences. For each caret, adda delayed adjective or adjective phrase, bleding your content and style wit the rest of the sentence.
1. The man topple to one side, crumpled against the railing, ^.
--Robert Ludlum, The Prometheus Deception

2. The spiders like of their sides, ^ and ^, their legs drying in knots.
--Annie Dillard, "Death of a Moth"

3. He was twenty-sex, dark haired ^, ^, ^, and ^.
--John Steinbeck, Cannery Row


Joshua said...

Practice 4: Imitating

1. often surprisingly pleasant
Example: Indoor wake boarding is hard work, often exhilarating actually.

2. very black and cut very precisely into her small, solemn face
Example: The unbearable pain was the the wound on her leg, very deep and precisely place next to her small, feeble leg.

3. limp as a cloth
Example: Mary screamed as Roger came into view dead, ugly as a mummy, in Birch Wood Park.

Practice 5
1. dead
2. straight and narrow
3. handsome, tough, kind, and smart

brock reynoldson said...


1. often surprisingly pleasant
ex: Soccer is very tiring, yet a great work out.

2. Very black and cut very precisely into her small, solemn face
ex: The football player's leg was hurt, from a steady supply of helmets hit his legs.

3. limp as a cloth
ex: The defensive line, as strong as a brick wall, didn't let any running backs through

1. Dead
2. long and gangley
3. tall, dard, and muscular

Drew said...

Drew Davis

1. often surprisingly pleasant.
Catching wild monkeys is fun to do, but it can be exhilarating.

2. very black and cut very precisely into her small, solemn face.
The person's chin was that of a plastic cup, very red and fitted perfectly on his long, rugged face.

3. limp as a cloth
He rode away as soon as he seen the rebels, posed and ready, at the top of the hill.

5. intoxicated
hairy and stong
smart, funny, fast and nice.

Unknown said...

Practice 4

1. often surprisingly pleasant
Creating phrases is easy, sometimes nice.

2. Very black and cut very precisely into her small, solemn face
The dude's belly was like a watermelon, with stripes in her green, round belly.

3. Limp as a cloth
The bird chirped as the dog came running, happy as a baby, at my backyard.

Practice 5
1. wounded
2. long and hairy
3. tall, thin, intelligent and honest

McKenna Moyes said...

Practice 4:

1) often surprisingly pleasant
Ex: Riding bikes is a lot of fun, but also tireing.

2) very black and cut very precisely into her small, solemn face
Ex: The intense pain was the gash in his forearm, very deep and cut precisely into his large, muscular arm.

3) limp as a cloth
Ex: The defensive fielders, ready for anything, didn't let one batter make it around the bases.

Practice 5

1- Drunk
2- fuzzy and gangley
3- tall lean dark handsome