Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Gulliver's Travels- Movie Post- Due February 25th

Choose one the world's that Gulliver visits; What social issue(s)/human fault is Swift commenting on through Gulliver's visit to this world? What details from this world bring it out? Is the movie subtle or blatant in how they reveal this? How does the medium of film help to bring out the satire more than just the book could by itself? Did the movie make you think or did you think it was a poor adaptation? Why?

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Enlightenment/Restoration ?'s- Due February 12th

Answer the following questions from page 566-5701.
1. What was the Restoration in British History?

2. How did the political system change through the Restoration and 17th Century?

3. Why is this time also called the Age of Reason/Enlightenment? Give examples of people from this time who contributed to this label.
4. Define what Neoclassicism is how it was incorporates into the literature during the time. What was this age also called that relates to this concept?

5. The Enlightenment/Restoration is divided up into three areas based on people's names. What are they? What characteristics/authors/literary genres is associated with each age?

Modest Proposal ?'s-Due February 13th

Read "A Modest Proposal" in it's entirety. Then, I want you post your reaction using
these questions as a guide.

What tone does the speaker of this this pamphlet use? In other words, if this guy
were alive, what would he be like to be around? Is this tone effective/appropriate for
the subject manner?
What structure does he use to shape is argument? What the main arguments/point
that he brings up?
What are examples of 'logic' that he uses? From an objective stand point(not gut
reaction, do they have logical merit?
Go to www.logicalfallacies.info. What's a fallacy? What's an
example of a fallacy found in "A Modest Prosal"? What type of fallacy is it?
What is your gut reaction to this piece of writing? Did your reaction/perception
change after you 'digested' the material and thought deeper?
6. Is this to be taken literally? If not, what is Swift's true purpose in writing this?
Can you think of real life examples when people literally used twisted logic not in a
satirical fashion, but in a complete serious fashion to justify their actions?
Should all decisions be based on logic/reason(as the Enlightenment suggests) or do
gut instincts come into play?

Puritan/Cavalier Comparison/Contrast- February 10

We read literature from two opposing forces, the Puritans and the Cavaliers represented by Milton/Bunyan and Lovelace/Marvel respectively.

1. Describe the worldviews of these groups.

2. How do these worldviews contrast with each other?

3. Give specific examples from selections we read that represent these worldviews?

4. Which worldview do you align yourself with more?